
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Sunday sewing

 One side panel for Circa 2016 is complete and ready to sew onto the center.  The second side panel is all laid out for assembly.  Lots of peace and quiet around here today - perfect for sewing - as the hubbie and a son-in-law are playing golf.  

The other project that is happening today is Fish School.  The original plan had been to use a Kaffe jelly roll, and add it above and below the fish row.  Well, once I unrolled that jelly roll it became very obvious that it wasn’t going to look like I had pictured it.  So . . . A different jelly roll came into play.  And instead of doing the “jelly roll race” method, I just cut the strips the same 43” width as the fish.  Much more simple than the first plan, but it looks so much better. 

A couple more strips and this quilt top will be done.


  1. Oh I like the cheerful colors in the fish!

  2. You found the perfect jelly roll to finish off the fish. I always seem to stall out on UFOs because I don't have what I need in the stash when I need it.


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