
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

It's Tuesday!

 Sunday morning was cool and beautiful, so it was an excellent day to go to the zoo.  These 2 kiddos and their mom were my companions for a couple of hours.  The animals were pretty active since it was cool outside.  We saw bears fighting over food, the Singing Dogs were howling, the Komodo Dragon was walking around flicking his tongue, and the black rhinos were happily grazing up close to the fence where we could see them easily.

Sophia was headed to a softball camp right after the zoo, so she was wearing her softball pants and shirt.  I passed on sitting in the stands for 3 hours watching the camp and went shopping for new tennis shoes instead before hitting the interstate and heading west toward home.  No luck finding shoes however!  I have trouble with shoes due to my Achilles problems.  I'll keep looking.  

Monday afternoon sewing was brief, and interrupted when the contractor showed up to fix our deck door.  The locking mechanism had arrived.  Now, we're still waiting on the new garage door - which we thought had arrived, but is actually back ordered yet.  Olivia chose the black cat fabric for her new pillowcase and I got that one done.  Jonah's spider web case is partially sewn.  

And I made 2 (identical) blocks for a charity block drive. They chose a modified 9-patch block in fall colors.  Today I'm hoping to make a couple more of these, and finish Jonah's pillowcase. Then I can start working on Mason's pillowcase. 


  1. I’m glad you had a nice visit with your daughter (?) and the Grands. The zoo is more fun when the animals are active.

  2. Have you tried Brooks brand? OMGosh, like having new feet.

  3. Sounds like a full, but fun day out. I have problems getting shoes as well, nothing seems to fit right.


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