
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Midweek progress

 My spreadsheet tells me that with the Halloween pillowcases I just made for the grandkids, I've made a total of 29 so far this year.  Mason chose the purple bat fabric for his pillowcase.  And Jonah - my bug boy - picked the spiderwebs.  That didn't surprise me as he is fascinated by all bugs. 

Daughter #1 had an idea for a good Christmas gift for Olivia.  She's taking piano lessons, and could use a nice music-themed tote bag for her piano books.  I think that will be a fun project.  

Tuesday I pulled out a pile of quilts for babies and kids to see what I had available.  Daughter #1 needed a gift for a friend.  There were several good options for a little girl.  I sent her pictures, and she chose the Beads quilt that I made about a year ago.  Seeing it again made me think that I should make these blocks again for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  

I've made enough of the Halloween blocks (20) for a good sized couch throw.  However, my obsessive need for symmetry is having trouble with having those half squares across the bottom.  So now I'm trying to decide whether or not to make it bigger. I have plenty of fabric.  Or maybe I need to change up the layout completely to eliminate those obvious squares.    

Hmmm . . . an alternative layout would solve that problem.  I left all of the blocks in the same location, but turned them so that the background forms a stripe between the colors.  This will require some thought.  Any feedback would be highly appreciated.  



  1. I like both layouts for the blocks. The first one draws my eye more than the last one.

  2. I'm like you in that I like things symmetrical so I find the second layout more pleasing.

  3. I agree with needing symmetry.. therefore the second layout would be my choice. :)

  4. I kind of like that first one...perhaps a tall person would like another row of blocks on it!

  5. Ooh, that's a hard choice. I hear you on the symmetry problem with the first layout, I had the same problem when working on the layout for the butterfly blocks. You can't go wrong with either setting.


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