
Thursday, September 16, 2021

Random stitching

Wednesday morning was wide open for sewing, but I had so many project ideas floating around my head that it was very hard to focus.  However . . . I bribed myself.   

If and only if, I got both Farmers Wife Sampler blocks for the week made, then I would allow myself to play with something else.  This Homemaker block was really tricky, with angled seams.  Victory was sweet when it turned out the right size and layed flat. Yay!!

Old Windmill was simple because it was just half square triangles.  We've completed 58 of the 11 blocks to date.  Seeing that pile of 6.5" blocks growing taller is very satisfying.

Checkered Star is a PIG that I've been working on all summer - very slowly.  Two more blocks have joined the set.  The parts are cut for more, so I'm hoping to keep doing a couple of them every couple of days until they are all done. 

And my reward for progress on some on-going projects was to play with one of the Halloween panels that have been languishing in the drawer.  So far a couple of mug rugs are taking shape using sections from the panel plus scraps from the drawer.  


  1. Yay! for flat blocks!! I have to play those games with myself, too. Although for me it's "if you clean this, then you can sew!" :D

  2. Since one FW block is #47 and the other is #62 I take it that the project coordinator/director is choosing blocks randomly? Sew-alongs can be rewarding (just keep up, a couple of blocks at a time) or frustrating (try to keep up before a couple of blocks become many). Checkered star looks like a nice way to set those mini-9ps (and I have a big box of them).

  3. Great blocks: I especially like the bright Halloween fabrics. I often “bribe” myself on lengthy or complex projects. It helps keep me motivated.

  4. Kudos to you for getting the Homemaker block the right size and flat!! I love that you cut into your Halloween panel:)

  5. Very cool blocks! Sometimes I think it's sad that I have to bribe myself with something to finish a project, but even our favorite projects can get old if we don't have a project that's a quick and fun diversion from the longer haul stuff.


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