
Friday, October 29, 2021

Christmas runner progress

All 3 runners are ready to quilt, and I do plan to do that myself, in spite of having limited skills and being awfully slow.  But hopefully I'll keep getting better at that machine quilting.  Luckily these are not terribly large.  My "main" sewing machine is in the shop for a good cleaning and tune-up so I think I'll wait until I have it back to do the actual quilting on these. 

 The snowman runner may be my favorite of the 3 at this point.  I chose the fabrics for each of these based on the friends they will be gifted to when finished.  I have enough of the sashing fabrics for binding, except for that dark red.  But the red is a batik and I found a similar one at the quilt shop on Tuesday, along with backing for these. 

Now, I will just work on something else until my machine is home again. 

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