
Thursday, October 28, 2021

The view from my desk

 I have a really pretty tree right outside my home office window, and it doesn't shed its leaves very quickly like most of the others.  This one turns gold and then holds the leaves well into winter.  It's so nice to have a pretty view when I'm working at my desk.  When I took this picture Wednesday morning it had been raining all morning.  

Usually there is a bird feeder hanging there too, but I took it down the other day to clean out.  I kept wondering why no birds - or even squirrels - were hanging around the feeder lately.  Turns out the seed had gotten wet and was moldy. So once I get it cleaned up I'll refill it and hang it again.  

When we bought this house almost 16 years ago, the previous owner was so pleased to tell us he had planted over 60 trees on the 1.5 acre lot.  I've never actually counted them, but considering the amount of leaves we bag every fall I certainly believe it.  There are 2 double rows of pine trees along both sides of the lot, creating a real privacy "wall".  But there are also lots of big ash and maple trees, so this time of year we get plenty of color and lovely shade.  And in front of my window is this little birch. 

We cleaned leaves out of the gutters on Monday and my husband ran the mower around to bag the leaves that had fallen.  That was about the 6th time this month.  However - that last ash tree in the front yard shed all of it's leaves in the past 2 days so he'll have to do it again.  And the maples are just starting to turn color so there will be several more bagging opportunities before winter arrives.  

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