
Saturday, November 27, 2021

Crossed Canoes - all done

 All 3 table runners I made for Christmas gifts are finished and ready to wrap up.  I did all of the binding yesterday while watching college basketball on TV.

I never did get down to my sewing room to work on pillowcases however, so that is on the agenda for today . . . after I finish making 3 dozen deviled eggs to take to my niece's house for supper.  

Linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge today:


  1. That is a lot of deviled eggs! Love your table runners.

  2. Mmm, deviled eggs, delicious! Congrats on 3 lovely table runners done for Christmas!

  3. Those turned out great, and binding them in front of college football sounds perfect. Yum on the deviled eggs - I love them!

  4. Those runners will make such lovely gifts, Sara! I hope you enjoyed dinner with your family last night.

  5. The table runners are so pretty. The recipients will be very pleased!


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