
Monday, November 29, 2021

Design Wall Monday - Nov 29

 I'm really slow getting this posted today.  How is it already Monday AND nearly December?

First up this week is to FINISH the pillowcases I started this weekend.  I got Jack's superhero pillowcase all done on Saturday, but only got as far as sewing the cuffs onto the other 3.  They are draped over my ironing board waiting to be pressed.  Then I can finish the other seams.

Three of the 6 vertical rows for this Quilt of Valor are sewn together.  The final 3 rows are pinned into groups so it really shouldn't take so long.  These are also draped over the ironing board - waiting.

Once the pillowcases and the QOV top are done - IF - then I plan to go back to sewing the diagonal rows of the Wisdom blocks together.  This set of blocks has been a UFO most of the year I think, so it's time to get it to the flimsy stage at least.  It does help me to actually write down some weekly goals, but after doing almost no sewing through the long holiday weekend, I really want to focus on some finishes again. 

And I really, really need to finish decorating my Christmas tree so I can put away the boxes.  My ambition for this has evaporated. 

Linking up with Design Wall Monday: 

I'm also linking up with Monday Making: 


  1. How do you finish the seams on your pillowcases? (Serger? Enclosed seam? Zig zag?) I look forward to seeing how you set the Wisdom blocks.

  2. I love those Wisdom blocks...the design as well as the fabric choices.

  3. Love the super hero fabric on Jack's pillowcase. Lots of lovely projects for you to work on. Your Wisdom blocks are looking pretty. Time certainly flies quicker than quick, doesn't it.

  4. Where has the whole year gone! It just spins faster and faster every year it seems. I love your Wisdom blocks and don't remember seeing them before.


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