
Monday, November 22, 2021

Design Wall Monday - notebook cover

My notebook cover is done.  Before doing any sewing, I switched to a larger 3-ring binder but the cover fit perfectly, which I worried about, and turned out just how I imagined it would.  

Narrow red borders helped the selvage panel stand out a bit from a small print background.  I dug into my 30s reproduction stash for that blue print and the red.  There is just enough quilting to hold the cover to a layer of batting.  The lining inside is simply muslin.  Why waste something pretty when it won't be seen at all?

I added a simple pocket inside the front cover using 6 leftover 30s print HSTs from some previous project.  I have a big zipper baggy full of these little leftover HSTs, 4-patches, and pinwheels, etc.  Might as well use them since I save them, right?  

This notebook holds my ideas and inspiration for scrappy projects.  For example I've saved some of Bonnie Hunter's Addicted to Scraps pages from the Quiltmaker magazine, and some block patterns from blogs such as Mary Quilts.  In those page protectors there is room to tuck in some sample blocks with the patterns. By switching to a big thick binder, I'll have room for lots more inspiration.  

What is on your design wall today? 

I'm also linking up with Monday Making:


  1. That is an awesome binder cover!!! Glad you switched to a bigger binder!!

  2. That turned out great! And what a fun way to use up leftovers like selvages and HSTs. I like the idea of saving ideas for quilt projects in a notebook like that!

  3. What a clever way to contain that scrappy inspiration!

  4. I have seen lots of covers, but I think you were very clever Sarah! I like the selvage usage and what a cute idea for an inside pocket to use the HST's!

  5. Love the use of the selvedges for the binder cover. I've been saving some but haven't decided what to do with them yet. I have several binders of inspiration. Periodically I go through and try to remove things I think I'll never make. Same thing with my computer collection ... way too many to ever make but most I keep!

  6. I was so hoping you'd use the selvedges and I wasn't disappointed. It turned out great!

  7. You choose well. It's a bright and fun cover for your scrappy idea book.

  8. The binder cover turned out perfect! I love the pen pocket on the inside, clever use of leftover pieces.


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