
Sunday, November 21, 2021

Scraps, scraps, and more scraps

 I'm still trying to come up with a final idea for my scrappy notebook cover.  I auditioned some orphan blocks, but have come back to the selveges, although I haven't  decided yet exactly how to use them.

The notebook I'm covering is the one I've been using to keep scrappy block ideas for a few years.  And before I finish the cover I need to decide if I want to switch to a larger binder.  No point in making a cover and then finding it doesn't fit a bigger size binder. 

For several years I've kept track of various scrappy block patterns that I like and may want to return to at some point.  So the pattern goes into a page protector, and I can slip in some sample blocks that I've made too if I want.  And they collect in this binder.  The page protector can be hung on a hanger using the hole when I'm working on that pattern for a larger set of blocks.  Then back in the binder.  

One of the scrappy projects that has been dormant for quite a while has been the fabric squares we collect at guild.  When a member travels they try to find a regional fabric, and then give everyone a 6" square of it at the next guild meeting.  This project box has the current collection of squares just waiting to become something special. 

I used a lot of them as star centers, and a few years ago I made a queen-sized quilt using those stars.  It's on the bed in the basement guest room.  But one of the scrappy block ideas I had saved was this Pat Sloan block from her Winter Fun series.  That leftover star, and 2 of these were in the box with the squares.  Evidently I planned to use scrappy neutral backgrounds in a variety of shades.

This one was kitted up in the box, so I sewed it up quickly on Saturday morning just for fun.  It is a quick block, so I may kit up a few more to use as Leaders/Enders periodically.    

Hmmm . . . this hasn't helped me decide how to finish that notebook cover.  But it has made me decide to use a bigger binder.  


  1. the idea of a notebook is a great one - but I really like that idea of regional fabrics!!! what a fun one and a great way to share your trip!

  2. :) The binder and page protectors are a great idea!

  3. The regional fabric swap (sharing) is a great idea. You are making great use of our scraps as well.


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