
Saturday, November 20, 2021

Saturday projects

 I've done a lot of scrappy projects over the years, and that has increased since following the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  And starting this fall our Sew Vintage group (local) is going to also focus on fun scrappy projects.  After all, our grandmothers really LIVED that motto to "use it up, make it do" - and they really knew how to use those scraps.  

So, the project we've been challenged with is to make a notebook cover for a 3-ring binder to keep our scrappy project patterns or instruction in.  Here is ONE idea I had - using some selveges for a front panel section.  I have a whole bin full of selveges, and didn't make even a slight dent in them with these.  A scrap of muslin is what these are sewn onto.  

Another idea floating around my head is to use an "orphan" block on that front cover, and there are quite a few left over from previous projects.  I'm sure there are some small ones that would work.  I just know that I want to make this cover fun . . . and scrappy of course.

The other "scrappy" thing I'm playing with today is a sample Storm At Sea block, made from batik scraps from the blue scrap bin.  Since I know that I want to make a SAS project in 2022, I've been looking at a wide variety of ideas, but . . . it was time to try out a couple of techniques for making the blocks.  this one is paper pieced and is about 12" square.  But there are some pieced techniques I've been looking at too that don't involve paper.  

I'm linking up with Rainbow Scrap Challenge today even though I'm a bit derailed from the rainbow today.


  1. Even if derailed from the rainbow, this block is really pretty. Maybe an early start for next year!

  2. The back of the cover is perfect using those edges that most people throw away! I really like the movement in the blue quilt square, that is a very nice pattern:)

  3. amazing what one can do with selvedges....anxious to see final finish!

  4. I see folks using salvages for projects but I rarely cut them off. Do you slice them off before you cut out projects? Your batik block is very pretty.

  5. I love the idea of a notebook cover using selvage! Can't wait to see what you make.

  6. Your block is beautiful. I love the 2 batiks with bubbles and balls, they remind me fresh water.

  7. well I love the idea of selvedge book cover. The storm and sea fabric choices are awesome Sara

  8. I like the selvages idea, and the storm at sea block looks great. I'm not sure how to make that block, but it seems like it would be really difficult without paper piecing it. Unless, of course, you do some serious precision cutting! Can't wait to see how it comes together.

  9. Either the selvages or an orphan block would make a great cover for your quilty notebook! Will it be a complete cover - all the way around? I've been wanting to try a cover for a composition book, but haven't gotten to it yet.

  10. The selvage block would make a fun binder cover and your Storm at Sea block is beautiful in batiks!


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