
Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Farmers Wife Sampler and other progress

This week's blocks for the Farmers Wife Sampler project are Linoleum and Morning.  Don't you wonder sometimes who came up with the crazy names for quilt blocks?  Both of these were easy to make.  I  actually expected that bottom block (Morning) to be tricky, but it went together so well.  The scraps from previous years' Kim Diehl Simple Whatnots projects have been a good choice for making these blocks.  They have a lovely scrappy vintage look, just like the quilt in the book. 

There are 72 blocks done as of this week, and 40 of them have sashing and a cornerstone added to 2 sides.  So it's probably time to add the sashing and cornerstone to a few more.  I would like very little sashing remaining to be done when I sew that final block - #111.  

There are now 52 purple 4-patch blocks - and some strip sets still in the bag.  These are only 3.5" blocks so it will take quite a few to make a child size quilt.  But I'll keep plugging away on them because I don't want to waste them.  And they make excellent Leader/Enders between other piecing.  

My November goals included lots of pillowcases, so I did some cutting and kitted up a couple of the ones I'll need.  This one is for a Quilt of Valor presentation, and a second one with the same cuff is ready to sew as well.  I use the "sausage roll" method, which you can Google for great tutorials.  With this method there are no raw seams at all plus it's quick and easy. 

We have some QOV presentations coming up in the next couple of weeks so these will be used very soon.  The grandkids' pillowcase fabrics are all stacked and waiting to be kitted up too.  I won't need those until Christmas as they'll go into their stockings. 


  1. a lot of these "new" names for blocks are for very old blocks...the name is new but the block really isn't...

  2. You have awesome 'stick-to-it-iveness'! Your projects will be lovely once completed.


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