
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Kim Diehl progress and November goals

AHHH - is it too early to start planning for Christmas?  I went to the grocery store yesterday and they were putting out the Christmas candy on the shelves where the Halloween candy was just 2 days ago.  I really would like to just enjoy November and Thanksgiving first. 

 In & Out is one of this year's Simple Whatnots projects (Kim Diehl), and it is only about 15" square so it shouldn't have taken so long for me to finish it.  But I've been procrastinating on these each month and working on other things.  It's done and I think this one will make a sweet little doll quilt.  

Now that this one is checked off my list, I've pulled out Laundry Line, the one from last year that I got so frustrated over.  It's not that I don't like it, but I had an issue with getting some of the blocks to lay flat, and that took some of the fun out of it so I put it away temporarily.  The basic blocks are all done but the sashing has a zillion little pieces and that is the UFO I'll be tackling next - in between other projects.  I hope to get at least one or two blocks sashed this week.

Laundry Line is actually the final thing on my 2021 PHD list for the Pin Cushion.  The PHD (projects half done) list has just 12 of the projects from my UFO list that I selected as my highest priorities for 2021.  It will be very pretty, so I'm determined to finish this one.

As we approach the end of the year, I've been thinking ahead on sewing goals and even some non-sewing goals.  For example, I want to learn to make lefsa - but that's another story!!  LOL

Goals for November include starting a new Saturday Sampler, and finishing up some things that are Christmas gifts for family and friends.  This is a short list but I know that other things will end up being added as the month goes along. 
  • Saturday Sampler
  • choose backing for previous Saturday Sampler
  • keep up with Farmers Wife Sampler blocks
  • make 5 pillowcases for grandkids for Christmas
  • make 2 pillowcases for Quilts of Valor presentations
  • bind one Quilt of Valor
  • quilt the 3 Christmas table runners (Crossed Canoes)
  • progress on Laundry Line (Kim Diehl)
  • progress on Checkered Stars
  • progress on purple 4-patches

1 comment:

  1. My daughter , son in law and grandsons are a lefsa making team! I just watch:) Lefsa is not my favorite one piece is about my limit fresh off the griddle! That quilt block is quite striking...but so intricate!


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