
Thursday, December 30, 2021

2021 in Review

 Reflecting on the projects I've worked on during 2021 is turning out to be a real eye opener for me.  My project spreadsheet had 102 projects listed that I actually worked on during the year.  Some were full sized quilts and some were really small things like mug rugs.  The spreadsheet automatically totals up my projects by category - and yes, I'm a spreadsheet nerd. 

Almost half of my finishes were pillowcases, which did surprise me.  But there were 13 completed quilts, so that made me very happy.  A few of the finished quilts are in the collage below. 

My spreadsheet also lists 9 more quilt tops made during the year, so those are going onto my UFO list for 2022 with plenty of optimism that they will get quilted and bound. 

I'm again joining in on the annual All People Quilt UFO Challenge.  I modified the UFO list to give myself 3 choices each month.  This is basically how I've handled it each of the past couple of years.  And in 2021 I finished 20 of the 36 projects I had listed for this challenge. It really did help me finish up some old lingering projects as well as newer ones. 

I think the January number will be drawn for this UFO Challenge sometime today. Yay!!  And the big asterisk each month marks the priority project that I have identified for that month.  Those priority projects make up my PHD list for the local quilt shop.  (I'm hoping they continue with the Projects Half Done challenge for 2022.)

The "Pick a PIG" listed for most months give me the option of choosing to work on a project that is still lingering in "kit" form or in the bag it came home in.  

I also tracked individual blocks this year.  Most were for specific projects such as these UFOs, and a LOT of them were part of the Rainbow Scrap Challenge colors each month.  Almost 200 of them were made for various Quilts of Valor projects.  And a whole bunch were sent off to various block drives for charity projects elsewhere.  So, how many total blocks were made this year?  

Drumroll please . . . I sewed over 1,000 separate blocks (1,076) made in 2021.  That really surprised me and made me happy.  I'm hoping for just as many in 2022.   


  1. Nice job on so many blocks. My number was closer to 450, but I still am happy with my progress. I should start a spreadsheet to keep better track of my projects.

  2. Congrats on a very successful 2021! I'm a spreadsheet nerd too, I'm not sure why everyone isn't. Looking forward to seeing your progress in 2022. I'm hoping to be much more present in blogland this year.

  3. What a great, productive year! A thousand blocks! Looking forward to more beautiful quilts from your sewing room this year.

  4. Your spreadsheet is really impressive, Sara! All the way down to the number of blocks you've sewn throughout the year. Love it! You had some beautiful finishes, too. Happy New Year, and may it be filled with lots of sewing!

  5. Wow! Those numbers are amazing and you have created and finished some beautiful quilts. Happy New Year!

  6. Wow over a thousand blocks I am impressed!

  7. Wow, Sara!! I am blown away by your progress in 2021. Best of luck for as much quilty success in 2022!

  8. Such a wonderful achievement for the year, congratulations. Must ad it I've never made a pillowcase.


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