
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Catching up with Farmers Wife Sampler

 After not making last week's Farmers Wife Sampler blocks, yesterday I made 4 - last week's and this week's blocks.  

Peaceful Hours (brown and red) was not cooperating for me.  I just couldn't get the points matching up appropriately.  But hopefully those missed points will get lost in the quilt.  Periwinkle looked like it was going to be tricky, but turned out to be an easy one - once I got those background pieces turned the right way.  That was the only tricky part. 

This week's blocks were Waste Not, and Wild Goose Chase.  While I'm being critical I'll point out that the pink and green geese didn't have enough contrast. And the center strip was too light colored.  However, I'm leaving them as is.  

With 88 of the 111 blocks finished, I am refocusing on getting these blocks sashed on 2 sides.  That will make it a much quicker process to lay them out once all are made.  I'm using a dark brown for the sashes and a buttery cream for the cornerstones.  These blocks are going to be set on point.  

Fifty blocks are sashed, and 20 more have the pieces cut and laid out with blocks to sew.  Maybe I'll get those 20 blocks done today.  I must admit that I'm getting very excited to see this challenge project coming together and nearly done.  

If you've been following me this year, you probably know that I'm doing this quilt with a friend in Ohio.  She chooses 2 blocks from the book each week and posts them on Facebook for me.  Then we both share our completed blocks each week.  Ironically we both fell behind the same week but are both working to catch up this week.  


  1. Your blocks look fine to me, I don't see cut off points. Unless you're planning to exhibit this quilt at a quilt show, does it really matter if you're satisfied with it? Happy stitching!

  2. What fun to quilt with a friend online!


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