
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Grandkids surrounding us

 We are really very fortunate that both of our daughters and families live within 90 miles of us now.  That hasn't always been the case.  

Everyone was here on Christmas Day, along with my husband's sister and her husband.  We had an awesome holiday.  The biggest challenge was getting all 5 kids smiling at once.  Mostly the 2 bigger boys on the left kept making goofy faces as 8 and 10 year old love to do.  And the second challenge was keeping the 2 on the right from wrestling.  I'm constantly amazed at how quickly they are growing up. 

This older Christmas picture popped up in my Facebook memories yesterday morning.  And we had to laugh because that 2015 Christmas photo was pretty similar, with most of the kids even sitting in the same spots.  Six years went by way too quickly!


  1. Oh how fun to be all together!! and the goofy faces... you can use them as blackmail when they start dating haha!!

  2. I just love seeing the side by side of your grandkids. They sure do grow up quickly! Dave is sporting Jacks gear in both pictures.


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