
Monday, December 27, 2021

Design Wall Monday - back to work on sampler blocks

 Last week I didn't get my Farmers Wife Sampler blocks done. Peaceful Hours and Periwinkle were the blocks assigned for the week.  And today we'll have 2 new ones, so I'll be making 4 blocks this week. I definitely don't want to fall behind.

Squash Blossom was one of the blocks from the previous week, along with Rosebud (below). 

I won't get any sewing done today because we still have a couple of grandkids here, and we'll be driving them home in the afternoon.  But on Tuesday I can dive back into these blocks.  I also want to add the sashing to 2 sides of a bunch more.  Once these next blocks are done we'll have 88 of the 111 finished, so the finish line is in sight.

Linking up with Design Wall Monday:


  1. Hope all the family had a great time together. Can't keep you out of the sewing room very long, though! I like the squash blossoms. RSC, maybe?

  2. Enjoying grandkids takes precedence over piecing, unless you see them all the time! I like that squash blossom block.

  3. It's so wonderful that you have the grandkids spending time with you. I'm sure you'll catch up in no time. I've enjoyed seeing your blocks each week.

  4. Pretty blocks, Sara. Good that you are enjoying the grandkids for a few more hours.


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