
Friday, December 10, 2021

It's Friday - another week goes by!

It's that time of year when life seems to pile up and stress us all out.  Everyone I know has something going on to overwhelm them right now, on top of the usual Christmas stresses.  Illness, caring for aging relatives, kids losing things, staffing shortages, money shortages, not enough time . . . and I think we all put so much pressure on ourselves this time of year anyway. 

What is your stress reliever this time of year?  Baking, sewing? 

A bit of progress has been made on the Laundry Line UFO that has been hanging over my head for months.  Two more blocks are framed, and one more has the framing pieces ready to add to the block.  That makes 5 of the 9 blocks framed - over halfway.  Yay!! 

I am positive that my personal stress levels are dropping with each one of these blocks that I manage to finish framing!  


  1. I'm sure with each block you piece you have a BIG sense of accomplishment! The blocks are lovely, happy stitching!

  2. great blocks...not sure they would be a stress reliever for me but well done!

  3. I can just tell you want this one done and off your plate. After four days of no sewing I had to get in there and do something!

  4. Wow! These blocks are amazing! I can't wait to see more. They look very complicated and labor intensive, but what a marvelous quilt they will make!!

  5. Those are pretty blocks. I'll have to see if I can find that pattern.

  6. You are making great progress on the Laundry Line blocks. I wish I were sewing my stress away.

  7. Such an interesting design!! I like your blocks!


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