
Saturday, December 11, 2021

Scrappy quilt for 2021 and scrappy blocks for 2022

One final RSC quilt top is completed for 2021.  These Wisdom blocks were made using all scraps and a free pattern from Fat Quarter Shop.  My intention was to make sure every 4-patch center was pointing the same direction. Well . . . it almost happened.  But there are 3 pointing up. Darn it!!  

I may "live" with this one for awhile and determine whether or not to turn those 3 blocks.  The other thing to decide is if I want to add a border to make it slightly larger.  It's about 60" square without borders.  Decisions, decisions.  LOL

Early in the week I spent a lot of time planning for entire projects to work on in 2022, but what about the scraps that just keep accumulating? Scraps are some of my favorite things to play with. 

With 2022 looming in the not so distant future I'm trying to decide what blocks I want to make for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge next year.  I really enjoy having lots of different blocks to make when I just want to sew something quick from my scraps, rather than work on a bigger more planned out project. 

The big heart block (8.5 x 9.5) is called Falling In Love, from The Pattern Basket website.  I bought and downloaded the Country Bunnies from that site, along with this heart, and a bird block.  I'm considering doing both the heart and the bird for RSC22, but have only played with the heart so far.  The hourglass block next to it was made from the trimmed corners.  And the little heart block is a free block pattern I found online some years ago.  I'll probably continue to use a scrappy white or light neutral background in these RSC blocks.   

I know that I will continue to make some scrappy blocks from this year until there are enough for a quilt: Ohio Star, Twinkle Star, Nanci's Star, Tulip Time, and Roll On blocks.  Plus I know there will be other blocks that tempt me throughout the year.  I've even been looking at a couple of blocks from the Farm Girl Vintage books again as possible scrappy blocks.  

There are a few string blocks that were leftover from previous quilts.  Those are great scrap busters. And there is a small set of 4.5" bowtie blocks "aging" in a drawer that I could/should add to.  Yikes!  If I spent as much time sewing as I have planning this week, just imagine what I might have accomplished.  

Linking up to the Rainbow Scrap Challenge today:

On a side note - winter has finally arrived.  By 9:00 am yesterday we had at least 4" of fresh white snow.  Up until then our lawn was still green - in South Dakota in December - which is NUTS!  We need the moisture so badly, plus it just makes everything looks appropriately wintery.  My husband decided to go out and blow out the driveway right after breakfast, even though it was supposed to snow most of the day.  By noon there was at least another 4" on top of what we already had. 


  1. We are very dry here in Colorado, too. A storm was supposed to come a few days ago, but I think it stayed in the mountains. Glad you finally got something! I love your new heart block - those would be fun in a rainbow of colors. I also like to have multiple blocks going so I have lots to keep my interest up!

  2. I love the hearts! I vote for the bigger for the RSC. They would make a great quilt. I also love all your accumulated blocks. The Twinkle Stars and the Ohio Stars would look good combined in the same quilt. Have fun with that snow!

  3. Congrats on getting the Wisdom blocks into such a nice top. So many good ideas to choose from for 2022!

  4. I'm also thinking andpindering what to stitch for 2022 RSC. What I should be doing is finishing up this years blocks/quilts, and goodness me, I'm sure there is a forgotten unfinished one from the previous year! Both if your hearts are very pretty, and with using the cut offs to make the hour glass block, you seem to have a great selection to start with.

  5. You got that snow, it missed us! You really have to look for the three blocks that are the wrong way, it is not very noticeable at all, BUT I have a hunch you will get them perfect! :)

  6. I didn't noticed the turned blocks until you mentioned them. I'd leave them LOL. You're on your way to some nice scrappy blocks for 2022.


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