
Saturday, January 1, 2022

2022 is a clean slate!

A clean slate!  Happy New Year!! 

My quilting goals for the new year are going to be simple, with more specific goals each month.  So, here we go . . .

  • Enjoy the process!
  • Quilt the tops I have finished and hanging in the closet.
  • Donate more quilts or tops (or blocks) to worthy causes.
  • Let go of things that don't bring me enjoyment or that cause me stress!
  • Embrace gratitude!!

The first number has been posted for the UFO Challenge, and my priority item for this month is binding the child size Fish School quilt.  That should be manageable.  I'm making myself a promise that I will finish that binding before pulling out anything else this week.  

If I got busy with that binding it could be finished by tomorrow!!  


  1. A very good list of goals to start 2022. Good luck with your first priority. It's always helpful to start easy that ends in a finish. Happy stitching this year.

  2. That was such a colorful project! Sounds like you are set to go!

  3. Love the goals! Happy New Year!


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