
Sunday, January 2, 2022

Best laid plans

 My plan for January 1 was some early morning sewing and then meeting 3 of our grandkids at a college basketball game.  However . . . Those plans fell by the wayside.  Instead I spent most of the day on the couch wrapped in a quilt, either watching movies, reading or sleeping.  My husband didn’t even go to the game . . . Just in case.  The kids were disappointed but we needed to be cautious.

Before Covid we could just accept the fact that we have a cold, take some cold meds, and go about our business.  But of course there is the concern these days that it isn’t a simple cold.  All 5 grandkids and 1 son-in-law all tested negative for Covid before coming for Christmas.  But a couple of the kids had mild colds, so I’m hoping that is all this is. 

If I feel worse then I’ll go get tested.  Otherwise I guess I’ll stay home and relax.  Maybe a little sewing will happen this week.  In between naps. 


  1. Sorry you aren't feeling well. We had a grandson sick last week, he was tested for strep and covid both. It was neither, he was just sick! Take it easy, rest and drink plenty of fluids, hopefully you'll be up and going by next weekend.

  2. Far Guy has that same cold. So far I just have a stuffy nose...take good care of yourself!

  3. Sure hope it was just a cold and you are feeling better. Can you tell I'm behind on my blog reading and trying to catch up?


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