
Monday, January 3, 2022

Design Wall Monday - January 2

 I'm definitely still under the weather with this cold.  But I made an effort to spend a little while in my sewing room on Sunday.

Four blocks had been kitted up for Tulip Time, and just sitting on their paper plate waiting for attention.  Two of them are done and a third one started, but I realized that I just didn't have the energy to keep sitting at my sewing machine any longer.  How pathetic!!!  So I went upstairs and took a nap.  Most of the rest of my day was spent on the sofa with a Patricia Cornwell book, a box of Kleenex, and a big glass of water - and there were a couple of brief naps.  

I'm hoping today I'll have more energy and ambition.  In the meantime, I'm linking up to Design Wall Monday to see what inspiration might come my way.


  1. nice blocks...what a miserable invasion of your sewing time....get well soon

  2. Your tulip time blocks are lovely. I think making 2 blocks is pretty good for not feeling well.

  3. Hope you are feeling better soon. I had an upper respiratory infection beginning on December second, tested negative for co-vid and influenza thank heavens. I am just now starting to feel better.It really cut into my sewing time, not to mention Christmas prep.

  4. Good for you sewing a bit. Hope you feel better soon.

  5. Brief naps always helps when your feeling under the weather. Hope you start to perk up soon. The tulips can wait.

  6. Hope you're feeling a little better each day! A couple tulip blocks every now and then will add to your collection nicely.

  7. Those tulip blocks are beautiful!

  8. Pretty blocks. I hope you've gotten over your cold. It seems that colds are making the rounds. I was down with one before Christmas and we've had several people at work out with colds.


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