
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Binding slowly

 I feel like such a wimp the past few days.  Maybe it was because I haven't had a cold in almost 2 years that this one really laid me low.  I firmly believe that wearing a mask in public so much is why I haven't had any colds.  Last night I took Nyquil and slept for 10 hours.  I do feel better this morning but lacking energy yet.  

Yesterday I did manage to get the binding sewn onto the Fish School quilt.  I'm using leftover jelly roll strips from the quilt, and that made for a colorful binding.  Changing the thread color on each segment will be the best plan here.  Maybe by the end of the week I'll get this binding finished and have the first Finish of 2022.  

And speaking of being a wimp - I forgot how to say NO recently.  I probably mentioned that I finally retired from teaching.  But the agency I was teaching for (online courses only) had a sudden resignation just before the end of the semester, and the director asked me to come back "just to get the students through the semester".  It amounted to 12 students in 3 courses so how bad could it be, right?  Well, 10 of those kids did great and finished up before Christmas break as planned.  The other 2 are only about 40% complete so that will drag on. Bummer!!

And then yesterday the director contacted me to beg me to do spring semester too.  She hadn't found anyone to take on those 3 courses (French 1, 2, and 3).  I agreed to do French 1 and 2, but said absolutely NO to French 3.  My skills are eroding too much for that.  She must have been pretty confident that I wouldn't turn her down because within the hour the business manager had emailed me a contract and other forms to fill out.  

So . . . I need to RE-LEARN how to say NO, because today I'm feeling mad at myself.  


  1. WOW! Can't believe you're teaching French. I would struggle with Spanish. Good luck this semester.

  2. Going to try to catch up on reading some blogs in the next few days. Sorry to hear you have been sick, I too believe wearing masks have really helped us not to catch colds etc. Feel better soon! Wishing you well in returning to the teaching gig.

  3. I always feel sluggish after taking Nyquil. I hope you get your energy back soon...sounds like you are going to need it! Hope they find someone to after spring semester so you can enjoy retirement.

  4. This quilt looks so beautiful. Reminds me of Finding Nemo movie.

  5. Online at least you can work when you feel like it except for planned online help. My daughter teaches online and sometimes when she opens her emails she sighs that so many students need extra help.
    I think we have to give ourselves permission to say no. I am getting better at it.

  6. Glad you are feeling better, colds are just no fun. And saying "no" is a hard skill to learn. Hopefully it won't be so bad and on the bright side, you'll still have a little extra for your retirement fund.

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