
Saturday, January 22, 2022

Another week of playing with red

Everywhere I looked this week I saw red.  And I had a few finishes along with lots of block sewing this week - most featuring red. 

This photo is awfully dark . . . but you get a fair idea of real colors at least.  A couple of years ago I bought a kit for a casserole dish hotpad.  It had the fun salsa/tortilla chip print, a striped backing, the red, and the Insulbrite batting.  I finished that and still had leftover pieces of both the stripe and salsa print.  And voila - the leftovers worked great for 3 potholders made with other scraps. For the potholders I used the potholder pattern that came with the coffee print kit I bought last week in Sioux City.  The coffee potholder is done too. 

There was enough of this red with tiny stars in our Quilts of Valor bag to cut 2 sets of binding strips for the 2 quilts we have ready for binding.  A couple of group members have volunteered to bind these, so I wanted to get the strips cut for them.  That left just enough to cut squares for another Patriotic Star block for QOV.  When I went to put those squares in the box, I discovered 3 other block kits.

So, instead of just dropping the squares in there, I decided to sew all 4 blocks right away.  Two new red Patriotic Stars, and 2 new blue ones.  And the bonus is 8 new hourglass blocks (3.5") added to the block box too.  We probably have enough of the 12" star blocks for another quilt top. 

While looking through my Valentine fabrics, I found 3 charm squares that were perfect for more little heart blocks.  These are red and hot pink prints, and turned out pretty cute.  

I just may be getting tired of red now, and ready to play in some other colors.  Or maybe not. 

I'm linking up to Rainbow Scrap Challenge today:



  1. You've definitely made the most of playing with red scraps this month. I miss playing along with the RSC, but I'll be so much happier once the UFO list is worked down a bit. Happy stitching this week.

  2. Nice blocks, lovely stars, happy stitching!

  3. I've made those heart blocks for a couple of projects. It would be fun to do them in RSC monthly colors. More importantly, good for you to use up the scraps/leftovers from the hotpad kit!

  4. Those are great star blocks! Fun to get some little bonus blocks from them, too. I really love the heart blocks! I might need to make some of those this week!

  5. Red is so cheerful! I can tell you are having fun!

  6. Lots of lovely red happening at your place.

  7. Cute RED Heart blocks! Nice job on those QOV stars. Bonus blocks, too? Way to work through some scraps! :o))

  8. Beautiful QOV star blocks and cute heart blocks, love the one with flowers, Sara.


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