
Monday, January 24, 2022

Design Wall Monday - January 24

 Hmmm - it was a busy weekend, and here it is Monday again already.  What did I accomplish over the weekend?  Not much.

We spent a lot of time in the car on Saturday, and I took those blue hexies with me.  There are now 7 of them done.  So I guess I was right that they would make a good travel project.  We drove up to Brookings for an early afternoon Jackrabbit women's basketball game, where we saw our Jacks win 114-50 over Western Illinois.  Kind of crazy!  The we drove south an hour to see granddaughter Sophia's 4th/5th grade basketball game.  The opposing team didn't show up unfortunately so we got to watch them practice for half an hour.  Then went to supper with them. 

After sleeping in a bit on Sunday I went downstair to sew and clean.  I got more cleaning done than sewing, which is probably a good thing.  It was definitely time to put away some things and clear up some of the clutter in my sewing space.  There is a lot more cleaning to be done, but it was a good start.  And then I sewed this paper-pieced house block.  I had printed the pattern earlier in the week so it was laying front and center on my cutting board - just tempting me.  It's 9" square and will finish at 8.5" in whatever it will become.  

We watched 2 football games and I worked a little bit on some binding off and on while watching the games.  

I'll be checking in with Design Wall Monday -


  1. Your hexies are adorable and so is the little house. Family time is the best, isn't it? Your grands are lucky that you will travel to support them in their endeavors.

  2. Yes I am in love with your hexies:) Your red house is pretty cute too, will you be making more?

  3. The hexies are so I look out on newly-fallen snow today and read about the "pancake" ice in Lake Michigan (too cold to go to see it!). Hope the opposing team were okay -- when they depend on parents to drive things can change.

  4. You are lucky to be close enough to go to the basketball games, and watching a practice is just as good too. I like the house block. Very pretty. Hugs, Judy


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