
Tuesday, January 25, 2022

To Do Tuesday

My To Do list this week will be kind of short because there is just so much going on. 

** finish Farmers Wife Sampler blocks of the week
** make at least 1 Tulip block (RSC)
** make at least 2 more blue hexie flowers
** catch up with the Stay At Home Round Robin
** finish the Simple Whatnots signature blocks for exchange
** sandwich the Midnight flimsy for quilting (Kim Diehl)
** finish binding the Saturday Sampler from last year

Today will be a busy one with no sewing time this afternoon.  I'm giving blood this afternoon, and I'm treating myself to a pedicure.  Plus I have to work part of the morning, so I might not get into the sewing room at all.  

One of the 2 blocks for the Farmer Wife Challenge is done.  This one is Puss in the Corner, and makes 95 finished blocks so far.  Sixteen more to go.  I need to get more of these sashed, and I'm ready to start sewing them into groups of 4 blocks on point.   

The Simple Whatnots signature blocks are nearly done - only 4 more to go.  I'm not sure why I'm dragging my feet with these.  We plan to exchange them in late February so there's time but hopefully I'll have them done this week.   

I'm linking up with To Do Tuesday . . .


  1. Yikes... you work and have that really long goals list? I'd call it a long list. Hope you get them all done.

  2. You are almost finished with all the blocks for The Farmer Wife. I need to Challenge myself and make blocks for The FW Poney Club. Good luck with your list, Sara.

  3. Oddly, I just looked over my Farmer's Wife blocks that I left off with over a year ago. (Only see 50 on my blog but I think I may have made it to 60?) Seeing you get so far is kind of inspiring. Maybe I'll pull them back out soon! I'm curious to see what you use for sashing, setting triangles, etc.

  4. I'd agree with Bonnie and call it a long list! Your Puss in the Corner block is pretty. I hope you enjoyed your pedicure - you deserved it after that kind of day!
    Thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday!


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