
Monday, January 31, 2022

Design Wall Monday - a new Block Challenge

 Another distraction has crossed my path, but since I'm committed to just using what's in the stash, I have no guilt about it.  There was a big piece of background fabric with tiny blue dots that helped me decide to make a blue and white quilt.  And my blue drawer and blue scrap bins are both overflowing, so it seems like a good choice.  Besides, one block per week is certainly manageable.

It's the Riley Blake Designs 2022 Block Challenge.  The link to the info and to the first 3 FREE block patterns is here.  You can follow along with various social media platforms.  I joined the Facebook group and it's fun to see the wonderful variety of colors and fabrics being used.  

The block patterns will be released each Tuesday of the month, except the last one.  That last Tuesday gives you a chance to catch up if needed.  I made my 3 blocks in one morning easily.  And each block is designed by a different quilt designer.

Block #1 is a Lori Holt block called Daisy Chain.  It has a lot of pieces, but went together very nicely.  Block #2 is Sweetheart, by Beverly McCullough.  The corners were the only challenging parts of this one.  And Block #3 is Autumn Leaf by Kristy Lea.  The hardest part of this block was deciding how many different shades of blue I wanted to use in the leaf and how to place them.  

Linking up with Design Wall Monday:

And with Monday Making:  


  1. Wow! A blue & white quilt, love it!! I'm being tempted by this sew along but I just don't need anything more projects to sew right now. I'll participate by watching your lovely blocks appearing. Happy stitching!

  2. These are really pretty blocks. Your blue scraps are going to make a nice quilt.

  3. Those are such great blocks - I can why you're drawn to that QAL! They're going to be lovely in blues and whites. I really like the heart block especially!

  4. Love your blue and white blocks. They are going to make a gorgeous quilt.

  5. Love the bright blue you are doing. And the added bonus -- from your stash!

  6. Oh my goodness, how gorgeous those blocks look in those pretty blue and white fabrics. Fabulous designs, too. You have an enviable stash of blue and whites. What's not to love about blue and white dancing happily in a quilt??!!


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