
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Summer Soiree & new goals for a new month

The list for the APQ UFO Challenge this month includes a hand quilting project that I may NEVER finish, and a set of blocks that are all ready to be sewn together.  Obviously I know which project to tackle first - the set of blocks.  And I have a PIG (new project) in mind to play with after I get the top done for Summer Soiree.  

In 2021 I sewed along with the Pat Sloan's Summer Soiree online fun.  I actually did 2 versions of the block she posted each week.  Version #1 was red/white/blue for a Quilt of Valor.  That quilt is done.  But Version #2 used various floral prints and batiks.  Nine of the 12 blocks are in the collage below, and they are all different colors so I've been researching layout ideas that would pull them together. 

I saw a really interesting layout idea on her site, posted by someone else.  Unfortunately I printed a picture of the layout, but didn't make note of whose idea it was.  My apologies to the creative person who came up with this very unique way to sash these blocks.  I would give you credit if I could.  

Grid paper comes in so handy when I'm trying to plan a layout, or trying to do the math to make a block that I can't find a pattern for, like this one.  Based on the picture, I guessed that the sashing pieces would add sections half the width of the original block, but only on 2 sides.  That was my starting point for the sketch, and then for the piece sizes to cut.  

This grey fabric with colored dots was a wide backing that I've used on a couple of quilts lately, and I've been saving the trimmed sections to do this sashing.  It's kind of an "off-set frame" idea.  And my first block worked out perfectly.  The block doesn't look very interesting alone, but I think once I have them all layed out together, those frames will look great.  

So - this is my first February goal - to get all 12 Summer Soiree blocks framed and sewn together.  Then I can determine whether or not to add borders.  

In the meantime my other goals for February include:

** keep up with Saturday Sampler, Farmers Wife, and Riley Blake
** finish binding my previous Saturday Sampler
** make 2 pillowcases for donation
** quilt & bind Midnight (Simple Whatnots)
** continue working on blue hexie flowers


  1. I hope you can get all those blocks sewn together. It's always such a relief to finish a project we're not in love with anymore. Happy stitching!

  2. Your Summer Soiree blocks are pretty. You have some nice goals for February. I"m still trying to figure mine out :) Have a great day!

  3. Interesting way to frame a block, it will be fun to see finished!

  4. That is a very interesting setting. Looking forward to seeing all the blocks sashed and stitched together.

  5. It looks like the BQ pattern by Maple Island Quilts, just not twisted. Such a fun setting for those blocks.


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