
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Work gets in the way of fun

 Even though I am semi-retired (laugh, laugh) it seems like lately I have been working way too many hours, and not spending the time I want to in my sewing room.  So then I frantically sewed as long as possible on Sunday to get things done that I had wanted to work on all week when I was glued to my computer screen instead.  

Just for fun, I'll show you this week's work task, assigned to me by one of the engineers on staff.  Guess it's good to learn something new every day, right?  This is a Dept. of Transportation road cross section - from fence line to fence line as if I'm standing in the middle of the road.  I am working on a 12 mile stretch of rural gravel road and looking for any time the solid line is below the dashed line.  I circle those areas.  There is a cross section rectangle for every 100' along that 12 miles.  And when I finish this one, I'll do the same with the file that shows every culvert in that same stretch of road.  This is to assist in finding areas where the new road/ditch depth would cause problems for the buried fiber optic cables belonging to our client company.  

One of the benefits of working from home is I can sew during my lunch break - unless I'm working through my lunch.  Hmmm - Tuesday's lunch was eaten AT my desk. Sewing had to wait until after work, when my brain was fried.   


  1. My eyes would be so blurring after looking at a computer screen for hours! The job does pay for more fabric though. Hope you are finding time this week for sewing and don't have to wait to do it all on Sunday!

  2. I'm sorry you had one of those weeks too. My weekend was miserable. It's unfair with work interferes with sewing time. Hope this week is much better.


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