
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Signature blocs

 I managed to sew for about an hour yesterday after work, and got the last couple of tiny signature blocks done for the Simple Whatnots group.  The only thing left to do is sign that center beige strip.  

I think the plan is to exchange these at our February group meeting at the end of the month.  They are only 4.5 inches square so whatever we choose to make with them will be small.  But it will be a good memory of each of the ladies in the group this year.  


  1. Signature blocks to swap are a great idea. A wonderful memory piece, for sure.

  2. The signature blocks are very pretty, I've never seen this block before but then I don't remember half of what I see. Happy stitching!

  3. Glad you got some sewing time in this week.

  4. Cute blocks and what a fun idea for an exchange.

  5. What pattern did you use for the signature blocks. I am thinking of doing this for our group.


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