
Friday, January 7, 2022

First UFO finish of 2022 - Fish School

 Fish School is the very first item to check off of my 2022 UFO and PHD lists!  Yay!  

The pieced fish blocks was originally a Row By Row kit that I purchased several years ago.  I put it together finally because I thought it was so cute.  But then I saw a kid's quilt online somewhere that had a row of pieced blocks and just jelly roll strips added.  Boom!!  I could see how to use the fish. 

I actually tried to use a Kaffe jelly roll but ended up switching to this dotted one with all the fun colors of the fish.  There were plenty of strips left over to use for binding.  The backing makes me think of Finding Nemo and just seemed perfect.   

This one will go into the stack waiting to be gifted because I think it could make a fun baby quilt.  These photos do not do justice to the bright happy colors. 


  1. This crib quilt turned out great. I like that it doesn't scream baby, a child will enjoy it for a long time. Happys titching!

  2. Congrats on a very fun and bright finish!


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