
Thursday, January 6, 2022

Getting back to normal

I'm happy to say I'm feeling mostly back to normal again. No coughing, no sneezing, and no carrying around the tissue box.  I'm still a little low-energy but that's improving too.  Thank you to so many of you who posted "get well" comments.  One of the positive side effects of laying around with this cold, was lots of thinking and planning time.   

For several years I kept track of fabric IN and fabric OUT.  It was an eye opener when I realized how many purchases I made "just because".  It really did help me be more conscious of my spending.  I've been pretty good the past couple of years to have a plan for more of the purchases. I'm not being unrealistic enough however to think I won't make any "just because it's pretty" purchases.  Since I have everything else in my spreadsheet this year, I'm going to track the fabric in and out again. 

And I added fabric IN on my spreadsheet already yesterday.  I bought wide backing for last year's Saturday Sampler.  That will be matched with yardage OUT as soon as it is quilted.  And I bought a Fat Eighth bundle (43 pieces) of Flea Market to use with a sew-along project I'm doing this year.  You can't see all the pretty warm colors in the photo but I think these will work great mixed in with some Grunge as well.  I really love the colors in these. 

I also picked up the January Pillow of the Month kit.  I haven't figured out yet how to add something like that to my totals.  But there is probably about 1.5 yards to each of these pillow kits. Only 2 more months left to go.  


  1. Oh fun! I like the idea of a pillow a month!!!

  2. So glad you feel better! :) You are brave doing an in and out inventory...I should do that with yarn...NOT!


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