
Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Coffee and Aleve

 How do you start your day?  Mine began this morning with the breakfast of champions - coffee and Aleve.  It's a bad arthritis day for me. Does that mean our weather is changing?  What it does mean is that my joints all ache this morning so when I go downstairs in a little while to sew, it will be slow going.  And I won't be dashing back up to refill that coffee cup.  But at least I have time to sew today finally.  Yay!!

Yesterday was spent at my computer, working on monthly budget updates for several work projects. And then we attended a visitation for one of my husband's good friends.  The only sewing I did yesterday was some hand stitching on a binding, and hopefully I will finish that today. 


  1. The first thing I drink in the morning is a cup of coffee, usually before I've even got dressed! The 2nd cup comes about a half hour later. I don't normally have Aleve in the morning but I have a tooth that has been bothering me. The date is set, it will be coming out in a couple weeks. Happy stitching!

  2. Aleve has been my friend the past few days too, you are not alone!

  3. I've hit the Aleve bottle in the last few days, but that's because I'm back on the weight loss kick and actually went to the gym. That's always uncomfortable afterwards for a few weeks. Hope you were able to get in lots of stitching time once you got to the sewing room.

  4. Aleve has been my morning dose since 2007! Hip pain then, now knees and shoulders. Uff da. And yes, weather has an effect on joints, but motion is lotion for arthritis. Nice to have sewing and knitting to comfort us (mostly)!


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