
Tuesday, February 8, 2022

To Do Tuesday

I didn't have to work on Monday, so I spent some time organizing and some time sewing.  First off, I kitted up 3 more pillowcases so the stack now has 10 kits ready to go when I want to make them.  It's such a time saver to have projects or individual blocks all kitted up.  I like to make pillowcases 2 or 3 at a time in an assembly line.  And I love having a stack of fun pillowcases available for gifts and to donate to various charity projects. 

Last week I forgot all about making my 2 Farmers Wife Sampler blocks, so this week I have 4 blocks to make.  Cutting out all 4 of them happened right away Monday morning, with just one of them sewn up.  This one is called Single Wedding Star, and is the 97th finished block out of the 111 total. We're getting so close to the end!  I may adjust that right side a bit to make the points match better. 

The other 3 blocks are kitted up and laying next to my sewing machine.  These should sew up quickly at some point this week.  And they are my #1 priority. 

My other priorities this week include:

** sash at least 2 more Summer Soiree blocks
** finish binding 1 quilt
** make this week's RBD Challenge block (blue/white)

And while putting away some things, I noticed a bag with what looked like lots of scraps of various coffee themed prints.  And buried in with those scraps - these big 4-patch blocks.  There are 4 of them.  Most likely I intended these to be potholders, but then . . . who knows why they were set aside.  But since I still have some Insulbrite on the closet shelf, these should be some quick potholders to finish, in between other things. 


  1. You have some nice plans for the week. The potholder project should be quick and satisfying...not to mention adorable.

  2. I too love to have projects cut out and ready to sew. I tend to cut out more than I can sew and with work being crazy, I didn't cut as much this semester, so maybe I can get a bit more caught up.

  3. The biggest barrier I have is cutting the fabrics, once that's done it's so much easier to make progress. Good luck with your plans this week.


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