
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Cold weather sewing

 Wind chills are real . . . and I’ll readily admit to being a complete wimp when it comes to cold weather these days. The days of pulling on my insulated coveralls to go out and feed sheep or bottle calves are far behind me.  So are the days of skiing all day with my kids.  Now, I would much rather stay in and snuggle under a quilt with a good book or some hand stitching.  I didn’t even walk out to the mailbox yesterday so I'll have to brave these temps sometime this morning to get our mail.

This whole week might be perfect for staying home to sew, with these temps.  

These 4 Farmers Wife Sampler blocks came together on Tuesday afternoon, but not without a bit of a struggle with one of them.  That block in the upper left corner is slightly wonky, and also slightly smaller than the 6.5” it is supposed to be.  But I think it will be OK once the sashing is added.  And if not, then I'll just take it apart and fix it. 

Five more small heart block were finished, and I am halfway done with the last of the blue hexie blocks.  

Quad #39 for Tulip Time was finally assembled.  My plan has been to make 40 of these sections with 4 tulips each.  I haven't decided yet if I want to set these on point or straight, or to include sashing between them or not.  It's a Bonnie Hunter pattern originally from her column in Quiltmaker magazine a few years ago.  There have been some interesting layout ideas shared. 

I had planned to attach the binding yesterday to Gingham, but ran out of steam before that happened.  Maybe today I’ll get that binding ready to hand stitch.  


  1. The tulip blocks are so cheerful! Stay warm!

  2. Gosh that's crazy cold and yes perfect weather to stay nice and cozy inside in your sewing room.

  3. Love the tulip blocks! Oooh it's very chilly... stay warm! xx


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