
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

UFO progress is made

 UFO #1 for this month is Summer Soiree, and it definitely needs an outer border.  It still looks unfinished at this point. A bit wrinkled from stepping on it while attempting to smooth it out on the floor - and unfinished. 

The size is 58 x 76, without any additional borders, which is OK.  But it just looks like it needs something more, doesn't it?   My current thought is adding at least a 6" border to all sides.  Or maybe  4" on the top and bottom, with wider ones on the sides.  Some thought will need to go into this. 

The other UFO that saw a bit of progress is Gingham.  Before buying something to use as binding, I decided to go through that green drawer one more time.  And in the very bottom was this mossy green piece.  The color works with the quilt and a hallelujah - there was actually enough.  

My main goal for Tuesday involves attaching that binding to the Gingham quilt, and working on this week's Farmers Wife Sampler blocks.  There are only a few more to make so I can't fall behind now when I'm so close to having them all done. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree it needs something more, what color are you thinking of doing for a border if you go that route? Doesn't it just about make you giddy when you find a fabric in your stash that is just right to finish up a quilt!


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