
Monday, February 14, 2022

Design Wall Monday - Feb 14

 Happy Valentine's Day!!  And Happy Birthday to my sister-in-law and my friend Moneik, who have birthdays today as well.  My big plan is to go out to lunch with 3 girlfriends. 

Sunday sewing pretty much focused on this month's Saturday Sampler block, which is the Churn Dash block in the upper left corner.  It's amazing how that secondary design is coming out now.  This one will continue to use Christmas fabrics from the stash.  There are enough different ones for a lot of scrappy variety in this one.  

Because the blocks are easy, I'm doing 2 extra versions but without the fancy sashing. The batiks show up nicely on that pale grey swirly print.  The color is really "off" in this photo, but I'm loving how the bright colors play with the grey.

And the other extra set has a dark background, with color splashed around.  I am making more of an effort to make sure there is enough contrast in these after noticing that the purple didn't pop at all in last month's block.  In daylight these actually look pretty good, but I couldn't seem to get the colors right in the photos.  

One other project involved cutting the framing strips for some Happy Blocks.  This is a free pattern from .  I made a child's quilt a year ago with this pattern, and decided it would be a good plan for the cat fabric I bought in Sioux City last month.  This will be my PIG project for February.

Linking up with Design Wall Monday: 

And with Monday Making:


  1. Sara, your Christmas blocks are just beautiful! Is there a pattern for the sashing? I have never seen sashing like that before. And I love the Saturday Sampler blocks in all of your colorways.

  2. Your sampler blocks look great in all the colorways. It's my sister's birthday, too. :) Have fun at lunchtime.

  3. Looking great! I am partial to the dark background squares!

  4. Tell Dave to STEP UP. Or you -- it's Valentine's Day not Gal-entines Day! lol
    (Very nice blocks, BTW)

  5. It's neat to see how different those same blocks look in different fabrics. Are you making three quilts from the same pattern?

  6. Thanks for the birthday shout out. It's been a good day with a bit of stitching already.

  7. I love the sashing on your Sampler blocks! Is that part of the Sampler or a different pattern?

  8. That setting for the Christmas themed blocks looks great! The other blocks are really bright and fun.


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