
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

To Do Tuesday

My To Do list for this week is short:

**  prep binding for Gingham quilt
** aqua/teal blocks for RSC
** 2 Farmers Wife Sampler blocks
** finish signature blocks for Sew Vintage
**  And sew Summer Soiree into rows (added goal)

I'm a bit slow in posting this morning.  Actually I'm a bit slow with even getting up or getting dressed this morning.  Sometimes it just feels really good to sleep in.  

I had a really fun lunch with some girlfriends yesterday, and when I got home these hot pink roses were waiting for me in the kitchen.  Aren't they pretty?  

Back to Saturday . . . I attended my monthly Sew Vintage group, where we celebrated Valentine's Day with a tea party and lunch.  We shared favorite tea flavors and goodies with each member.  Vintage valentines were the place cards.  Most everyone drank tea from vintage/antique china cups, but I'm more of a "mug" gal - and brought a vintage coffee mug to drink from. 

And while I was enjoying tea and socializing, my husband took grandkids to a college basketball game up in Brookings.  Lucky for him, one set of parents went too, because keeping track of all 5 might have been a challenge.  The kids all wore their Jackrabbit shirts and sweatshirts. 

And they even got to pose for pictures with Jack - the mascot.  Grandson Jack was a bit confused at first about the big rabbit having the same name as he does.  

Our season ticket seats are in the best spot for being able to "high 5" the players as they come into the arena, and to talk to the mascot. 


  1. I totally understand on the slow morning.... I may be your twin today!! Those roses - HOW GORGEOUS!!! the color is stunning!!!

  2. How awesome that he was able to take all of the grands to the game! I'm sure he appreciated a set of parents helping with them. I know when all my dad's grands are together, they are a handful! The roses are beautiful. I was slow moving last night. I ended up going to bed at 7, which was just want I needed.

  3. Cute grands having a blast! Your roses are beautiful:)

  4. The Valentine's Tea sounds like a lot of fun. And it looks like the game activities were fun for the crew of grandkids. Good luck with your to do list this week.


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