
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

A silly question

 My husband walked into my office on Monday morning - and asked a silly question.  "Do you have any baby quilts?"  My response was "are you kidding me?".  And then I made him follow me into the guest bedroom to sort through a crib full of quilts. 

I guess there really is such a thing as a silly question.  Here is the evidence!

Three of his staff have welcomed new babies in the past week, and during their partners' meeting on Monday they decided that giving them baby quilts from the company would be a great idea.  They have even offered to pay me for the quilts, which is great because that money will go back into my "budget" for future quilting projects.  

This stack of 7 baby/child quilts was what we pulled out of the old baby crib I use to store quilts. I know there are a couple more down in the bottom but he chose 3 from here.  Now I need to put labels on them that has their company logo and whatever else the guys decide.  


  1. That's a win win situation for both you and your husband's company! Have a great day!

  2. now that's a win/win situation...great for you!

  3. Maybe a silly question to start, but it sounds like you had a really good answer to it!


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