
Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Farmer's Wife Sampler

Yesterday I made 2 of the final blocks for the Farmer's Wife Sampler quilt that I've been working on all year.  I thought I had 4 blocks left to make.  

Temperance Tree and Silver Lane were 2 of them.  I've been checking them off each week on a spreadsheet, so I really thought I had these tracked well.  That meant the last 2 "un-checked" blocks should now be the final ones to make.  Wrong!!!

First I noticed that one of the un-checked blocks on my spreadsheet just happened to be the last one I made a couple of weeks ago. It was even on top of the stack in my basket.  So obviously I didn't check it off the spreadsheet.  And then I counted all of the blocks in the stack - and only came up with 108 instead of 109.  The final count needs to be 111 blocks total.

That means I actually have 3 blocks left to make, but now I'm only confident about 1 of those, a block called Star Gardener.  It could take me days to figure out which other blocks I still need to make. 

What are my next steps on this project?  I have about 25 of the blocks still needing sashing, so that might be what I tackle along with making the Star Gardener block. Then I'll need to go through the book and figure out which 2 blocks that I'm really missing.  

1 comment:

  1. I had to do the same thing with my patchwork afghan squares...I lost track too:)


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