
Sunday, April 10, 2022

April birthdays - and rewards

 Happy 9th birthday to these 2 kiddos!!  We're certainly blessed with all 5 grandchildren we have.  We will celebrate their birthdays, along with grandpa's (April 12) and their dad's birthday (April 19) on Easter weekend.  They have fun plans this weekend with friends - separately. 

Do you reward yourself for finishing difficult projects?  I often use a new project as the "prize" to help me stay on course when I have major projects going.  Finish the task, and get to begin something new!

My reward for finishing the Farmer's Wife Sampler quilt top is to start the Silo Barn Quilt.  This is a Lori Holt project that is also on my UFO and PHD lists for 2022 - a new-old project.  It is really a PIG because it wasn't started yet.  I bought the kit for this over a year ago, but just never unwrapped it.  I already had the book, so this has all been in my "kit basket" just waiting.  And NOW is finally the time. 

This was a very well organized kit, bought online from the Fat Quarter Shop with a gift certificate.  The fabrics for the barns were folded together separate from the other fabrics for the blocks.  The instruction sheet was well organized with fabrics clearly identified too.  Can't wait to make some progress on this next UFO project because it's been lying around long enough. 

Now if I am to be completely honest, I'm actually suffering from "idea whiplash" this morning.  Yesterday was a dangerous day in terms of seeing ideas that I really, really, really want to play with.  I spent too much time looking at what lots of quilters posted on the Rainbow Scrap Challenge weekly Linky Party.  So many cute block ideas!!!  And in the afternoon I went to Sew Vintage, and our group focus this year has been on scrappy sewing.  Again - more inspiration from our little group!  My head is spinning this morning!!

Maybe I can reward myself for finishing the cutting step of Barn Silos, with some play time on something else.  I'm in danger of being distracted again. 


  1. How nice that the kit is so well labeled for you. I am not a real kit person but have a had a few over the years. I see what you mean by all the pretty pink projects over at RSC.

  2. How could you resist the barns for so long! You are a strong woman!!

  3. The Silo Barn looks like a great project. I have rewarded myself (buying some coffee fabrics, still at Customs) for UFO's I have yet to finish this year! lol Indeed, lots of interesting RSC projects. Happy April birthdays!


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