
Friday, April 1, 2022

April goals & UFO Challenge projects

The APQ UFO Challenge number has been drawn for the month of April.  There are 3 choices for each month on my list, with an asterisk next to my highest priority projects.  Summer Soiree (floral) was the priority project from February, and I managed to get the top made. I did a bit of swapping around on my list yesterday, and moved some things into April that I'm really determined to make progress on.  That may be cheating, but the other projects aren't OFF the list - just moved to a different month. 

Getting Summer Soiree bound is my #1 goal for April.  It should be achievable to get the binding onto ONE big quilt, right?  The binding strips are all cut. Now I just need to get busy. 

Home Is - this was one of my favorite RSC projects in 2021.  The house block was a Pat Sloan pattern, and I made 8 of them.  The cat block in the middle is also a Pat Sloan pattern and seemed like a good tribute to the kitty we had for 19 years, and still miss.  The blocks are made and I just need to sew them together, and then decide what kind of border (if any) to add.  

Midnight has been sandwiched and ready to quilt for a couple of months.  Time to just get 'er done!

So, back to the UFO Challenge list . . .   Those priority projects are the 12 that are also on my PHD list for the local shop, and I'm happy to say that I have already finished 4 of those priority/PHD projects so far through the end of March.  And that fifth one (Summer Soiree) is ready to bind.  So, I refuse to feel any guilt that I've swapped some projects into different months.  

The most recent of these UFO/PHD projects finished is this one - Windmill.  This quilt is also called Roll On, depending on the pattern designer.  This one is a baby quilt made from 30s reproduction prints. There is one more Windmill flimsy hanging in the closet waiting to be quilted that is made with brights.  And there is a set of additional blocks in progress.  It's a pattern I've used often over the years.  

The backing of this one is a simple yellow with little white hearts, and it's bound in a light blue-ish aqua 30s print.  I love the texture of the quilting design too.  I think this one will go right into the Hand2Help donation stack.  


  1. It's your list! You should be able to rearrange however works best for you. =)

  2. Your projects are all looking good, love those colors with Midnight and Home is is just so cheerful!

  3. You've got some fun projects on your list for April. It's your list, if your priorities change, you should be able to make whatever changes that work for you. Good luck with your goals for the month. If you things off the UFO list, that was the overall goal.


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