
Saturday, April 2, 2022

First touches of pink

Every month the introduction of a new color for RSC is exciting.  This month we have pink, which is every bit as cheerful and Spring-y as yellow.  

The first 2 pink Falling in Love blocks happened even before the calendar page was actually turned to April.  Once the color was announced I just had to start playing. 

I even made a pillowcase with a pink cuff.  This was made from fabric donated to our guild by a lady who was moving away and didn't want to have so much to move to her new home.

What fun is everyone having with pink this weekend?


  1. Lovely pink fabric in your Falling in Love blocks and love your pillowcase! What's not to like about green frogs on pink polka dotted lily pads? Sew Cute!!!

  2. Nice start on PINK month, Sara. Super cute pillow case from that guild donation!

  3. Pink is perfect for your hearts, Sara! I love how you always make some hourglass blocks out of the cut off triangles, too!

  4. Love those pink hearts, and I'm looking forward to some pink spring flowers. Pink is a really springy color!

  5. Love your pretty pink hearts, and those frogs on the pillowcase, too cute indeed!

  6. Cute pillow case! I have some scraps of that frog fabric! Your falling in love blocks are lovely.

  7. Those Falling in Love blocks are so cool.

  8. The pink fabric makes me think of summer blooms.

  9. Great blocks and I love the pillowcase!

  10. Loving those heart blocks!!!!!!


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