
Monday, April 4, 2022

Design Wall Monday - April 4

 Home Is . . . one of the UFO projects I have on tap for the month of April.  I plan for this to be a wallhanging, and the blocks themselves are sewn together.  Now I'm looking for some advice from new eyes. 

Since all of the house blocks have little hearts above the chimney, does that center cat block need a heart too?  I keep wavering about it.  I tried getting my husband's opinion and that was a complete bust because he refused to HAVE an opinion. 

I welcome any and all advice on this. Thanks in advance.

Linking up with Design Wall Monday: 


  1. It looks great the way it is, but I think a little heart would be adorable.

  2. I think the cat block looks fine without a heart. You can always machine quilt a heart in the center of the block. Very cute wall quilt, happy stitching!

  3. The cat should definitely have a heart! JMHO! So cute!!!

  4. I was thinking you have the perfect spot for a heart in that center block with that white space to the right of the cat. Whatever you choose, this is going to be adorable!

  5. I think the cat should be looking at a heart. But what color? Decisions, decisions....

  6. I think the kitty would look great with a heart, how about a tiny one on the kitty itself plus a little bigger one that he looks at. So how about cutting them out and seeing what it looks like.

  7. Instead of the cat looking at a heart, maybe a butterfly or bird to simulate the cat looking out a window. If the cat is large enough, consider a collar with a heart dangling like a tag.

  8. Hahaha — this happens in my house as well when I ask my husband for opinions! I agree with Vicki that if you do decide to add a heart to the cat block, it should be a larger heart since there’s so much negative space up and to the right of the cat. Plus the larger heart could signify the joy we get from our pets, so much more than the building we live in.

  9. I am not looking at anyones opinions until I write mine. How about a heart on the lower portion of the kitty...maybe with a name:)

  10. Adorable quilt. I think I would have added a heart on the cat block, or a butterfly, or both.

  11. Hi Sara,
    I can see a heart to the right of the cat - and it would be a larger heart than the house hearts. You will decide what feels right and I am looking forward to seeing what you do. Hugs, Judy

  12. Definitely, a heart for the kitty. I love the idea from Vicki, a heart for the kitty too. This remind me of the wooden house blocks that I used to collected. There's a black kitty on every block.

  13. Love the bright colors in these blocks.


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