
Thursday, April 28, 2022

Kids & progress on Shooting Stars

My grandkids crack me up most days, and then there are the days when they make me shudder just a bit too.  Granddaughter Olivia is 9 and she loves to read which makes me very happy.  My daughter won a copy of the Wizard of Oz in graphic novel form, and this second grader dove right in to read it - with her favorite reading pal.  Meet Ruby!

They have 2 dogs who love to snuggle, but Ruby the lizard loves to snuggle with the kids too. And she spends a lot of time with Olivia when she's reading.  The next photo my daughter sent me shows Ruby in her favorite perch . . .

The kids all know that the rule is if grandma (ME) is in the house, then Ruby has to stay in her terrarium because I just can't handle being anywhere near reptiles.  But I'm glad the kids all find her so interesting and aren't big scaredy cats like me! 

As for this week's quilting project, there has been lots of progress.  There are 6 rows in the Shooting Stars quilt, each with 3 star blocks and 3 of the diagonal blocks.  I have the first 4 rows all assembled.  It's hanging (sideways) in the closet waiting for the next 2 rows.

The diagonal blocks are done for both rows.  This is a rainbow project, with the colors ranging from warm to cool.  The aqua, blue, and purple blocks will complete this rainbow.

And the star blocks are partially done - laying on the design board in the correct order.  I'm very optimistic that I'll have this quilt top DONE by the weekend. 

All of the colored pieces were cut from a jelly roll.  And I must admit that since starting this project it has me thinking about other blocks that are jelly roll friendly.  Oh no - I feel another distraction waving at me!  And yes, there are several jelly rolls just living in my stash waiting for the perfect project.  


  1. If you hadn’t shared earlier that the blocks were made from a jelly roll, I would have never guessed it. Ruby would have to be out of sight if I visited, too.

  2. I have a Kansas Troubles jelly just waiting to be used and I can't decide what pattern to use, so it just sits and stares at me. I can handle lizards but not those other slithery things, I freak out terribly eeeeeek! Your quilt is coming together pretty quick.

  3. What a cute Grand with her friend. I could tolerate a Lizard but not other creepy crawlies :)

  4. I LOVE that dragon! and that it relates to and trusts the kids. My friend had one and it was fascinating to watch. It liked to be outside in a dragon playpen for safety but touching grass. Supervised to protect it from critters.
    your rainbow stars are sure pretty


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