
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Favorite quilts

 Do you have favorites among the quilts you've made - and kept - over the years?  I really enjoy decorating with quilts around my house.  And right now, some of my very favorites are on display.

My mother's treadle sewing machine sits in my living room, and it's a perfect spot for small seasonal displays.  I've left my Easter bunny table topper there for now - because it's so cheerful and cute.  The flowers are silk, and the bunny statue is wooden.  The book is another family treasure.  It's a soft leather-covered poetry book that belonged to my great-grandmother.  

The cover is actually embossed and dyed with a flower.  It's pretty fragile anymore, but I've had it displayed somewhere in my house on a little pedestal most of my adult life.  It makes me smile every time I see it. 

Another favorite quilt is this round table topper that I made several years ago.  It was paper pieced in rings.  Then each ring was hand appliqued to the next one.  I quilted it using a decorative stitch on my sewing machine.  It fits perfectly on my dining room table when the extension leaves are not in.

One more favorite is this flip flop wall hanging.  It hangs in our guest bathroom, which has a beach-y theme.  There are no windows in that bathroom so I haven't had to worry about it fading.  But the light isn't the best for photography.  And this quilt is actually what made me think about favorites and decorating with quilts.  My pinochle group met at my house on Monday night, and one of the gals prompted this whole conversation.

Do you have favorite quilts that you display and use?


  1. Sadly, I don’t use many of the quilts I’ve made and kept. I do use one/two on my bed and drape one on the sofa, but that’s it. My apartment doesn’t provide much space for seasonal decorations.

  2. I can see why these are favorites, I especially like the arrangement on the old treadle machine! I do have a few favorites but rarely take them out!

  3. Such lovely vignettes, Sara!


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