
Tuesday, April 26, 2022

To Do Tuesday

Yesterday I didn't spend much time sewing, but I did run lots of errands.  Got my 2nd Covid booster and I'm happy to say other than a sore arm I feel fine today.  I had a headache really early this morning but that has gone away.  Maybe sleeping in today was the cure!

I did get 2 blocks made for Quilts of Valor yesterday, and also finished the green Shooting Stars block that I was working on Sunday.  

My main goal today - is to wait for a plumber to show up to work on the leaking dishwasher connection.  That means I will stay upstairs and work on binding, because I don't always hear the doorbell from my basement sewing room.

1 comment:

  1. Love the stars! I hope the plumber will have the leaky connection fixed quickly so you can get back to sewing.


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