
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Tuesday To Do

I'm still not feeling very perky, but it will get better - once I can stop taking a current medication that is not making my stomach happy.  I'm halfway through the course. 10 more days!! I can do it.  

A little bit of sewing actually happened on Memorial Day, with a couple of new elephants added to the herd.  It rained most of the day, following a very stormy Sunday night.  We got a couple of inches of much needed rain and luckily had limited storm damage.  There were a few big branches broken that required removal, but at least we didn't lose any whole trees or any shingles like some folks.  

This dark blue batik worked nicely for an elephant, and is also part of the Falling In Love blocks that I will make this week.  There is enough of it left to use in a Twinkle Star and maybe even an Ohio Star block.  I'll dig around to find a brighter shade of blue for a second blue elephant. 

The yellow batik has a very clear leaf design.  Some batiks have a much more subtle print, but this one isn't subtle at all.  I have a yellow polka dot laid out to make a second  yellow elephant.  And I really need to set some specific goals for this week or my wheels (and brain) will keep spinning. 

The other thing I tackled on Memorial Day was the mess on my cutting table.  Notice the circled pile in this photo . . . this is what happens when I get on a roll sewing, and don't take care of the scraps while cutting.  There is even a little waste basket sitting there to hold those little scraps as I cut, but it was full.  So now I've just piled things on top of it and next to it.  Lazy, lazy, lazy!!!

I've whittled that pile down by half so far.  Some scraps were large enough to refold and put back into the appropriate stash drawers.  Some scraps went into the color sorted scrap bins, and some is cut into squares.  I have 1.5", 2.5", 3.5", and 5" squares in small bins that are so handy for scrappy projects.  Hopefully I can get the rest of that mess handled this week.   


  1. Love the colorful elephants! My cutting table is a mess as well. I typically cut smaller scraps into blocks and cut 2.5 inch strips, too.

  2. such cute elephants...i tackled my scrap basket this weekend also...never-ending task!

  3. More cute Ellies, how many do you have done so far? Scraps, I have a basket I pile mine in until they have to be emptied into a tub elsewhere! Some day I will get around to cutting more of them.

  4. Well lots of fun cutting and putting together must have happened!


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