
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

New goals for June

 Some time definitely needs to be spent in getting better organized before pulling out any new projects to work on for the month of June.  My creative space is a mess!  My work space (office) isn't much better.  My TO DO lists for projects are spinning out of control again.  My brain is also spinning out of control lately - too many ideas popping up, with not enough actually accomplished.

On Friday I went to a local nursery, and got some flowers for the front porch and back deck.  It's later in the year than usual for those purchases but we've had such a cold spring it didn't seem prudent.  This big yellow Dahlia is now replanted in a big rolling pot on the back deck.  The blooms are huge and so pretty.  This pot also contains the metal stake holding my rain gauge and I've wrapped it in twinkle lights.  It looks so cheerful from the kitchen windows as night arrives and the lights come on.  


** spend LESS time in the recliner!!!  

** Label 2 baby quilts and mail to recipients.  These are gifts for staff of my husband's company, and once shipped I can turn in a voucher to get paid for the 3 quilts I agreed to sell. Great funding source for future quilting projects, right?

** finish cleaning up cutting table area

** make more blue RSC blocks & some Quilt of Valor blocks

** Ship donation quilt for Hands 2 Help

** finish binding Barn Silo (a UFO)


** Keep up with Saturday Sampler blocks
** Make RSC blocks in bright or dark blue
** Make 10 new Quilt of Valor blocks
** progress on sashing/cornerstone for Tulip Time (UFO)
** make binding for Farmers Wife Sampler (UFO)
** progress on Checkered Stars (UFO)


  1. With three things to ship you will have that crossed off your list in no time at all. And then onto the quilting, you got this;)

  2. I hope your week goes well and that you achieve your goals. I’m off to the dermatologist in a few minutes. It’s an hour drive so I’d better get on the road. Love the barn quilt!

  3. You: "My TO DO lists for projects are spinning out of control again. My brain is also spinning out of control lately - too many ideas popping up, with not enough actually accomplished."

    Me: "Story of my knitting life . . "


  4. I could have written the exact same post! I have so much going on and everything is a jumbled mess. I can't embroider at night, so I have to do it on the weekend, which means taking it out and putting it away, but it stays in the bedroom. I have projects I want to work on in the camper, but that won't be until the end of the month. So much going on!

  5. Hope you are feeling have quite a list! I have not purchased plants yet....I thought about not doing anything with flowers this year:) I must decide soon:(


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