
Wednesday, June 15, 2022

A little hand stitching

You know what they say about “best laid plans” . . .   

Good thing I brought some hand stitching along with me on this little work trip.  I worked the booth the last 2 days at this conference.  Today was our only free day and unfortunately we weren’t able to get tickets to things we were interested in.  Obviously I should have booked things before we ever left home.  And it’s way too hot to do any walking tours or similar outdoor things - with a heat index over 100.  So we’re just hanging out at our hotel.  The husband will be awfully grumpy by the end of the day I think. 

This little project is the UFO I adopted through a guild activity.  The little stars are hand stitched (English paper piecing) and then hand appliquéd to the background.  I’ve added buttons to the center of each one.  The original kit had 12 stars, but I wanted a square piece instead so I only did 9.  And I added that purple print border instead of the intricate appliquéd border called for.  I think this will make a good pillow top once it’s quilted. 


  1. Very cute! The weather does not sound fun though, I would try to stay inside too. ;)

  2. Pretty piece! Have fun on your working vacation:)

  3. Your little quilt top looks very vintage...and pretty. It will certainly make a nice pillow top.

  4. What a pretty quilt! I've done plenty of hexies, but never diamonds.. must try them one day :) x

  5. I wondered if you had taken any hand projects with you. Always a smart thing to do:) The heat is heading our way in a few days. I like 80's fine if low humidity, but this is upper 90's and humid, eek! Great stay in and sew days.


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